Help Raise Awareness

Help Raise Awareness

By Kelly Wallace

Turtles cross roads at any time during turtle season, typically from April to October. April to mid-July is a particularly busy period for turtles, with turtles emerging from hibernation, spring hatchlings showing up, males traveling to find mates, females looking to nest, turtles foraging for food, traveling in response to a habitat disturbance or drought that causes their body of water to dry up, flooding and sometimes reasons only turtles know.

Watch 4 Turtle Signs
Installing a turtle awareness sign serves as an important ‘visual cue’ that alert motorists of potential turtle activity on the road ahead that may not be readily apparent while traveling through rural communities and on ATV trails.

Sign Description
Think Turtle has ‘3’ Watch 4 Turtles sign designs available to purchase. All sign designs are $10 each.

(1) Watch 4 Turtles Signs (wooden). These signs are intended to be secured to a mailbox post, fence, tree stump, etc.

(2) Watch 4 Turtles Signs (Turtle shaped/coroplast/double-sided). These signs are intended to be installed on an H-stand and placed on a lawn, yard, or field. H-stand included.

(3) Watch 4 Turtles Signs (coroplast/rectangular/double-sided). These signs are intended to be installed on an H-stand and placed on a lawn, yard, or field. H-stand included.

Note: Please do not attach ‘Watch 4 Turtles’ signs to 911’s, hydro poles, or pre-existing street signs. Obtain permission to install a sign on a property other than your own.

If you want to purchase a ‘Watch 4 Turtles’ sign, they are available through curbside pick-up in Bancroft and Apsley and events in which Think Turtle will be participating.

Watch 4 Turtles Car Magnets
Going ‘mobile’ with the Watch 4 Turtles message will remind more motorists to be mindful of turtles while driving on main roads and secondary roads in cottage country, rural communities, and the outskirts of urban communities. Visual cues that remind motorists to watch for one of the smaller wildlife species crossing roads also serve to remind motorists to be mindful of all the wildlife we share the roads with.

Magnet Description
The car magnets are 5″ high and 8.5″ wide. It is die-cut in the shape of a turtle, making it easily recognizable to other motorists on the road and features the Watch 4 Turtles’ message we have been promoting since 2018. The car magnets are $5 each and available to purchase in select stores via mail order, curbside pick-up, and events Think Turtle will be participating in.

In-Store Purchase

The Old Hastings Gallery, 3103 Old Hastings Road, Coe Hill
The Carriagehouse, 32965 Highway 62, Maynooth

Sign & Magnet Payment
Please get in touch with Think Turtle to confirm sign and car magnet availability. Payment for Watch 4 Turtle signs and car magnets can be sent via e-Transfer to or paid in cash when a curbside pick-up is arranged. Thank you for helping raise awareness!

To contact the author e-mail or visit the Think Turtle Conservation Initiative website at

Facebook Post: #1028

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