I Help Turtles

I HELP TURTLES Hello from Kelly at Think Turtle Conservation Initiatives We are pleased to announce that Think Turtle is launching a new car magnet. This car magnet design is part of an awareness campaign to celebrate the people who help turtles and inspire others to join efforts to protect Ontario’s species at risk. No […]

Turtles Lead The Way

TURTLES LEAD THE WAY By Kelly Wallace Occasionally, we hear grumbles about turtles getting a lot of attention. Turtles grab headlines and are newsworthy, but not everyone gets why, and fare dues none of us is entirely knowledgeable about every species. So why all the fuss about turtles? Yes, turtles are out there, and during […]

Turtlehead Seeds 2024

TURTLEHEAD SEEDS 2024 Hello from Kelly at Think Turtle Conservation Initiative Who would like to see Turtleheads in their garden this summer? Now is the chance. Think Turtle has a limited quantity of Chelone glabra (White Turtlehead) seeds from Mount Royal Seeds to purchase as part of a fundraiser to support pollinators and turtles. One […]

Wildlife In The Forecast!

WILDLIFE IN FORECAST! Hello from Kelly at Think Turtle Conservation Initiative The unprecedented mild temperatures we are experiencing for this time of the year have potentially put Ontario almost three weeks ahead of schedule is very concerning for the natural community. Expect the unexpected! Erratic temperature fluctuations and weather patterns can challenge all manner of […]