Turtles And Then Some (2023)

The following is a record of the articles from our bi-weekly column, “Turtles and then some” featured in The Bancroft Times during 2023. January 25/01/2023 – Turtles That Walk On Water https://thinkturtleconservationinitiative.wordpress.com/2023/01/28/turtles-that-walk-on-water/ February 08/02/2023 – Pokey, Gumby and Prickle https://thinkturtleconservationinitiative.wordpress.com/2023/02/09/pokey-gumby-and-prickle/ March 10/03/2023 – Snapping Turtles Dodged A Meteor https://thinkturtleconservationinitiative.wordpress.com/2023/03/12/snapping-turtles-dodged-a-meteor/ 22/03/2023 – Revisiting the Jane Goodall […]

Crafting 4 Turtles 2023 (Update)

CRAFTING 4 TURTLES 2023 (UPDATE) Hello from Kelly at Think Turtle Conservation Initiative Think Turtle launched the “CRAFTING 4 TURTLES” initiative in 2018 as a way for adults and youth to use their crafts skills and hobbies to help turtles. Each year the funds raised through the sale of handcrafted items go towards the treatment […]

Counting On Self Preservation

Counting On Self Preservation By Kelly Wallace Historically Earth’s climate has changed many times, but the changes have occurred slowly and over thousands of years or longer. There has been considerable information gained about the causes and effects of ancient climate change from fossils, oral histories, diaries, literature, and works of art that ancient people […]

Hatchling Exclusion Barrier

Hatchling Exclusion Barrier Hello from Kelly at Think Turtle Conservation Initiative Sometimes circumstances arise when a property owner installs infrastructure to meet a particular need or for beautification purposes and without meaning to this creates challenges for wildlife. In such cases there are extra measures property owners can implement to protect turtles and other wildlife […]

Illegal Traps For Turtles

Illegal Traps For Turtles (London, Ontario) Hello from Kelly at Think Turtle Conservation Initiative Our friends and colleagues involved in turtle conservation in London made a grim discovery that has sent shock waves through the community. The following is the CBC London article. Turtle advocates alarmed by illegal traps in Dorchester Mill Pond (London) Michelle […]