Turtles On The Move Parade


Hello from Kelly at Think Turtle Conservation Initiative

Some exciting news to share! Our friends and colleagues, the Turtle Protectors, are hosting the 1st Annual “Turtles On The Move Parade” in Toronto on Saturday, May 4, 2024, from 2 to 4 pm.

The parade route will start at the Chess House located near High Park’s Bloor entrance, move through the park, down Cherry Blossom Road, and around Grenadier Pond, then up Ellis Avenue and Ellis Park Road, ending at the parkette on the corner of Ellis Park Road and Wendigo Way. The Turtle Protectors chose this route because some turtles they work with cross these roads to nest.

The Turtle Protectors aim for a grand participation of 1000 people, each bringing their unique homemade puppets or signs to narrate the turtles’ journey crossing roads this season. This is not just any event, but a unique opportunity to be part of a significant conservation event. Some of the Turtle Protection groups that will be attending include the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre, Heart Lake Turtle Troopers, Turtle Guardians, Friends of Manitoulin Turtles, Turtle Tias Aurora, and Think Turtle Conservation Initiative.

The Turtles On The Move parade is not just a fun event but a crucial initiative to heighten awareness, foster consideration, stimulate conversation, and inspire action regarding the challenges faced by turtles in Ontario as they navigate through our modern world. Your participation is not just a show of support, it can make a significant difference in turtle conservation.

We hope to see you there. If you’re from North Hastings, and planning on attending it would be great to hear from you ahead of the parade. Perhaps individuals headed to Toronto can offer carpooling.

To read more about the parade, visit the Turtle Protectors website:

Thank you to the Turtle Protectors, a dedicated group of individuals who have been tirelessly working to protect turtles and their habitats. Their efforts have been instrumental in organizing what is sure to be a memorable day for raising awareness, helping the turtles, and connecting with like-minded friends. We deeply appreciate their dedication to turtle conservation.

Spread the word!

Kindest Regards,
Kelly Wallace, Managing Director
Think Turtle Conservation Initiative
Cell/Text: 647-606-9537
E-mail: thinkturtle@yahoo.com
Facebook: thinkturtleci
Username: Wallace Kathleen Kelly
Facebook Post: #1194

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