Help Belleville’s Turtles


Hello from Kelly at Think Turtle Conservation Initiative

We have organized a GoFundMe fundraiser to help the turtles in Belleville!

Help Belleville’s Turtles Fundraiser –

Think Turtle has been assisting the Belleville community with turtle-related matters since 2020. This was not a partnership we pursued, being home-based in Bancroft and Belleville, being some 112.1 kilometers away. Instead, we felt compelled to help when we learned of the circumstances the turtles face in Belleville. Unlike most busy central business districts, Belleville experiences turtle activity on the main streets, business premises, parking lots, and other areas one would not expect to see turtles. This is because the Moira River runs through the area, and Belleville was built around it when it was initially settled.

Development and land conversion have contributed to habitat loss. Turtles have a small home range and an affinity for nesting sites, often their birthplace. As a result, turtles situated in the business district nest wherever they can find a suitable substrate, which is less than ideal and includes parking lots.

Although spotting a turtle walking along the sidewalk near the theatre or through a parking lot may seem pleasant and sometimes even funny, these turtles are vulnerable to harm when attempting to negotiate elements foreign to their natural habitat. The Belleville community is known for its care and mindfulness for turtles, but adult turtles, juveniles, and hatchlings navigating the bustling parking lots during the busier times of the year, spring to autumn, are at risk of unforeseen mishaps.

Parking Lots

In 2021, we contacted the City of Belleville, businesses, and property owners, seeking their permission to install “Turtle Alert” signs in the parking lots in the business district and amid the waterfront travel. Thanks to the community’s support, this conservation initiative was approved and initiated.

Looking ahead to this Turtle nesting season, there will be an increase in visitors and human activity. Bellville is a popular tourist spot. Therefore, public spaces such as parking lots will be used more, increasing the risk to turtles in the parking lots. Speed humps have been installed at West Zwick’s Park and West Riverside Park this month, which is helpful, but people not expecting turtles to be in the parking lots will not be looking out for them. The Turtle Alert signs are essential visual cues that will help to prompt people to check under their vehicle for turtles before starting their vehicle and to stay alert when driving in parking lots during turtle season, April to October.

The Turtle Alert signs have proven effective over the past few years. Unfortunately, their numbers have dwindled due to theft and damage. We want to get more signs printed but cannot cover the entire cost.

Funds To Raise

The amount required to have 50 double-sided Turtle Alert signs printed (see photo), purchase H-Stands, and some funds to cover the GoFundMe service charges is $450. With our contribution of $100, but we need the assistance of concerned citizens who understand why this is an important cause to raise the rest, $340.

Mr. Print in Belleville has given us a reasonable price for printing. The signs are 12″ x 18″ and made of 4mm coroplast printed double-sided. The signs would be installed in parking lots in the Belleville business district and throughout the waterfront trails, where there is an extensive network of parking lots known to be frequented by turtles each year. The signs will be removed at the end of October, stored, and re-installed at the beginning of April.

We are eager to proceed with this conservation initiative and to assist Belleville as the turtles are beginning to move, overwinter hatchlings will emerge from nests, and the nesting season will commence in just a few weeks. Collaborating on this initiative could make a significant difference.

If you would like to contribute to this fundraiser, you can do so via GoFundMe or by sending an e-transfer to Think Turtle Conservation Initiative at

We sincerely appreciate your time and consideration in reading our post. Your contribution can go a long way in raising awareness and ensuring the safety of turtles in parking lots. Thank you for being a part of this vital cause.

Kindest Regards,
Kelly Wallace, Managing Director
Think Turtle Conservation Initiative
Cell/Text: 647-606-9537
Facebook: thinkturtleci
Username: Wallace Kathleen Kelly
Facebook Post: #1192

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